Welcome to #SimplySatisfied

Do You Want to Learn How to Eat the Foods You Love Year Round While still Managing your Weight and Waistline with Ease?

If this sounds like a fairytale dream, I get it.

I’ve been there, and so have just about all of the women I have helped, who have felt as though:

  • Creating a healthy lifestyle for themselves meant sacrificing everything they love (hint: the world isn’t so black and white)…
  • They would never be able to make lasting change in their physique, because they just love food too much.
  • The world is working against their health goals by constantly throwing temptation their way – social situations, stress, parties, etc.

Introducing: The Third Annual #SimplySatisfied Challenge!

Hey there! I’m Sara, a Health and Wellness Strategist specializing in tearing down the facade that exercise and nutrition is time consuming and complicated. I give my clients a total personal development experience by helping them break through their mindset blocks and build up and implement the time-saving, super-simple yet effective strategies in their health and wellness so they can live their strongest life.

I do this through my proven signature 3M Coaching Method, which empowers you to use your muscles, movement and mindset to uncover your strongest life while freeing up time you thought you’d never get back!

The Simply Satisfied Challenge is all about learning to enjoy the foods you love in a way that doesn’t sabotage your health goals.

Over the past two years of running this challenge, I have helped women just like you:

  • Master the art of enjoying food and drinks in any social situation without the “morning-after guilt”.
  • Create lasting physique change by focusing on the right stuff (read: not calorie-counting).
  • Get fired up and excited about taking action amongst a tribe of other ladies finding their strength.
  • And so much more…

Here’s a little secret for you: these women who have created lasting change for themselves; who are able to enjoy the foods they love and still maintain the physique they want…

They are no different from you.

If you’re ready to finally stop sacrificing what you love to get the body and health you want, this challenge is perfect for you!

Click the button below, add your name and email. Within 15 minutes you will receive an email with all the details and next steps.

I am so excited to get started, this has proven one of my most popular challenges and it’s no surprise considering the crazy awesome results women have gotten.

I hope you will join me and be my next Simply Satisfied Success Story.

What is #SimplySatisfied?

For the past 2 years I’ve run this challenge in a closed Facebook community every spring. Each time, I have dozens of people sign up and successfully complete the challenge. They lose weight, they eat foods they love with freedom, and they learn how to do it all sustainably, year-round.

For two weeks, I go live on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays to teach you one of the elements of my five prong nutritional framework: Simply Satisfied. You’ll learn how to save time, moderate the foods you love, and create lasting changes in your habits — with the support of a rad online community.

#SimplySatisfied Runs from Feb. 4th-8th, and continues from the 11th-15th

We skip the weekends to give you a chance to put the skills you learn to the test! Don’t worry, there are always still plenty of supportive ladies in the Facebook group during that time to lean on and learn from.

This is not a quick fix. This is real, lasting behavior change so that you can live the life you dream of — without sacrificing everything you love.