You and I both know trying to find the perfect workout and the right “healthy” foods are just leaving you desperate and confused.
You can continue to bounce from diet to diet, but you’ll keep running the risk of never finding your permanent solution… let alone, waste a ton of your precious time in the process.
I know you have real life results you want to achieve and if you keep spinning your wheels trying to figure out how – well, you’ll keep ending up in the same place – more confused and overwhelmed.
Now, you can keep doing that, but what if there’s a better way?
If you’re nodding your head in agreement, keep reading…
Sara Camiscioni here, and I am dedicated to tearing down the facade that exercise and nutrition is time consuming and complicated. I give my clients a total personal development experience by helping them break through their mindset blocks and build up and implement the time-saving, super-simple yet effective strategies in their health and wellness so they can live their strongest life.
That is why I’ve developed the Stronger You Project, a 5 month high-access coaching program where you will learn how to get in the best shape of your life and FEEL AMAZING without consuming all of the precious time you have left over after…
- Working like a dawg…
- Dealing with whatever the family/kids/partner is throwing at you this week…
- And putting everyone else in your life FIRST!

The Stronger You Project is a 5-Month Coaching Program Which Includes:
Monthly workouts designed by an expert (me!), custom-created and tailor-fit to what you need so that you can be confident you are doing the right exercises for your specific physique goals.
Monthly nutrition coaching, diet audit, meal planning, and guidance so that you can take the guesswork out of what you put into your body.
Twelve 45-minute coaching calls (2 per month) to keep you accountable and focused on your goals.
One 90-minute “Jumpstart Call” to kick things off, map out your plan, and determine the first action steps to get you started.
The Stronger You Project is designed to be hands-on and comprehensive. If you’re looking to revolutionize your health and create sustainable change, this is the program for you.
The Stronger You Project is for You if You:
Are looking to “work out and get out” so that you can have more time for other things in your life like friends, family, and those hobbies you keep saying you want to get to but never quite make it.
Want to go to the gym knowing exactly what short, sweet, effective workout to do in order to transform your body.
Are searching for “THE FORMULA” of being able to enjoy their favorite foods and still slip on those skinny jeans with ease.
Are someone who knows that group coaching and DIYs are not your forever solution to health and wellness, and…
You are ready to develop YOUR customized plan!
When you invest in the Stronger You Project, you are guaranteed to get the right information for your body, the support and accountability from a seasoned coach that you need, and an abundance of time back in your life to do more of the things you love, instead of…
Toiling away in the gym…
Sweating over the stove…
Or lamenting yourself as to why you can’t succeed.
What Kind Of Outcome Can I Expect From Stronger You?
“I feel my life has improved from the physical training and lifestyle changes that Sara has coached me through.”
My clients mean so much to me; I am personally connected to seeing them succeed in their healthy lifestyle goals. So much so, in fact, that I will only take on a select number of 1:1 clients so that I can provide them with the highest-touch access possible. Here is an example of one of those clients, Joe!
2:10 - How 1:1 coaching keeps him on track and focused
5:07 - ``She's punctual, on time and always makes great use of our coaching time together``
being required to be healthy to stay alive with his heart condition
``Working with Sara one to one keeps me accountable on my own. I feel better physically. I am stronger and can run around with my grandson. I wouldn't have been able to do that without Sara. She's improved my life.``
In one single jumpstart call, Sara gave me straight-forward, easy to get going on right away strategies for swapping a few things around in my nutrition. As a result, I started losing weight at a manageable pace while fueling my workouts. I no longer have massive energy crashes everyday and as a result I’m more engaged at my job and with my family and friends. She set me on the right path to get going right away!
That feeling of confidence and inspiration… when’s the last time you had that when it comes to your health, your happiness, and your healthy lifestyle?
Give yourself what you need so that, you too, can thrive like this client who, BTW, has gone on to maintain her weight loss all while continuing to eat some of the exact same foods she’s always loved! She’s also increasing her consistency and love for weight-based workouts! She put in the work, and with my guidance was able to find something that stuck. I’m very proud of her progress!
If you want to be like this client and so many others who have discovered “the formula” for themselves, then click below RIGHT NOW to lock in your spot for the Stronger You Project.
What Others Have To Say About Working With Sara:

“Sara is an amazing trainer! My friend Chris & I share a training session twice a week and it is non-stop movement & sweating. I am so impressed that she can juggle the different workout needs of Chris & I while always being attentive, instructive and creative. It did not take long for me to start seeing results!”
Nancy S.
“Sara works hard to design my training cycles to help me meet my goals! My glutes are so much stronger! I have more power on the bike and a stronger swim stroke and kick!”
Dianne H.
Sprint Triathlete
Click the button below to lock in your spot for the Stronger You Project.