The two words at first glance don’t seem to fit well together: travel + fitness. but upon deeper reading, the two, in fact, actually compliment one another very well. Traveling is great for expanding our horizons and experiences of new things. And fitness is great for those things too, in addition to our general wellbeing…
Throughout the hundreds of 1:1 training sessions I’ve had with clients, there are common questions about their diet. Clients share with me their biggest nutritional struggles and successes with the expectation that I have an answer to solve all their diet needs: how to stay on track with their eating, how to eat foods they…
We’ve all been there, we hit the groove with getting to the gym and we’ve finally started eating healthier.It starts off like this: “I was doing so great until”__________: “My job started getting crazy, I moved to a new city and it disrupted my routine, I got sick, I lost motivation.” Then something happens and…