The two words at first glance don’t seem to fit well together: travel + fitness. but upon deeper reading, the two, in fact, actually compliment one another very well. Traveling is great for expanding our horizons and experiences of new things. And fitness is great for those things too, in addition to our general wellbeing…
Some of you know I recently was accepted into an 11 month business mentorship for 2017! Heck yes, right?! I’ll be working closely under the tutelage of an awesome, strong, successful woman – Jill Coleman. She’s somewhat of an online fitness guru, is a former figure competitor and fitness model, who has a ‘no room…
In the book Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris, Ferris interviews successful CEO’s, authors, speakers, and more. The book is a compilation of all the tools the titans have used throughout their life to rise to titan status by overcoming hardships and set backs. One of the questions Ferris asks almost all of the interviewees…
Made some crab cakes. This was a test of patience. 4 Hour Chef- You are testing me! But shoot, I’ll take some lessons in life and in the kitchen, more so if it means I’ll have BOMB food to eat as a result. Make these. Also, They taste incredible, so share, impress your friends 🙂…
To impress your friends while feeding your belly some seriously good chicken…Read Below. Shorthand Preheat 450F Coat 2 LBS of chopped Chicken Breast in Garlic Aioli,** 1 egg yolk, 1T sesame oil, 1/2 t salt and pepper. (imagine 1 inch pieces of chicken/finger food kinda munching size) Roll your garlic aioli covered chicken breastssss all around…
An avid baker and online fitness and nutrition coach, I find it important to find recipes that not only answer the sweet tooth calling but offer ingredient modifications. If your goal is weight-loss, muscle-gain, or weight maintenance it’s still important to discover away to have a healthy relationship with baked goods so we can eat…
We’ve all been there, we hit the groove with getting to the gym and we’ve finally started eating healthier.It starts off like this: “I was doing so great until”__________: “My job started getting crazy, I moved to a new city and it disrupted my routine, I got sick, I lost motivation.” Then something happens and…
“The best thing to invest in is yourself…and be unapologetic about it.” – Joe, 66 year old training client, father, husband, Business Owner Where do you invest your money and time? Are you unapologetic about the amount of resources you choose to invest in yourself? So many people struggle with feeling they have to justify…
Working in the fitness industry, I’ve come across fitness equipment, products and supplements that stand up to their promises. I’ve tried dozens of proteins, electrolytes etc., and know which ones work for me as well as my clients. Let me take some of the guessing work out of this for you and share with you…
“Sara, I want to work out, but I get home from work and all I want to do is lay on the couch and drink wine.” or “Sara, I don’t have the motivation to do my workouts anymore; can you help?” I hear this all the time. I get emails from clients who express…
Life is big AF. We can live as big as we choose. As long as we choose to show up fully in our lives, and in our bodies. Showing up fully in our lives means bringing who we are and what we stand for to the table, everytime, it means being vulnerable and taking risks.…
This blog was originally sent to my exclusive insider’s a few months ago. It’s deeply personal and yet, universal in the struggles and resulting strategies and life changing shifts I experienced as a result of the events that happened (which I’ll fully outline below). This is the first time I’ve shared a email to my…
I hear it all the time “Sara, I want to build muscle, burn fat, look and feel strong. I keep going to the gym and I’m not seeing the results I want. Can you help?” YES! After hearing this and witnessing the look of frustration on so many faces, I created the exact program I give…
Where is our motivation coming from? Is it to fit into a certain pair of pants? For a while, that will be enough to push us, but eventually, when we fit into the pants, the motivation will subside. (This week in my subscriber’s email, I opened up and dove deep into all things motivation. If…
Bless you, wondrous body of mine. By being more aware of what a PERFECT creation you are, I will avoid mistreating you. I like to start my day off with AWEsomeness. That means I do positive affirmations that resonate with me and help focus my thoughts on empowering aspects of my life. I use the…
I’ve been getting asked this question a lot lately. Women approach me at the gym either while I’m working out or with clients express frustration: “I’ve been working out and lifting weights but I’m not getting any muscles: How can I build muscle?” “I’ve been working out and lifting weights but my muscles aren’t getting…
Healthy living (which includes balanced movement and nutrition) doesn’t have to be complicated! This may come as a surprise to you.. So….. SURPRISE! Achieving results in the gym and within your body is actually a very simple process and I want to break down a couple of ways we can streamline and simplify our routines…