Bless you, wondrous body of mine. By being more aware of what a PERFECT creation you are, I will avoid mistreating you. I like to start my day off with AWEsomeness. That means I do positive affirmations that resonate with me and help focus my thoughts on empowering aspects of my life. I use the… After taking several days to rest my body, restore my mind, and rejuvenate (ahem, re-hydrate after Fourth of July holiday festivities) I returned to the platform today. It’s hot in the gym. Literally. No a/c. Lifts felt great today. GREAT THINKING=GREAT LIFTING. Workout: Snatch warmups glut & glut med warmups Pwr Snatch + OHS… The first lifts at 55kg and 56kg I completed over my weight class (53kg). My tech. slips as I max out, but I will take it.. I have been weightlifting since the beginning of the year, so about 7 months. It is one of the hardest physical things I have ever done/do. It pushes…