Over the last 2 weeks, I blogged articles Health and Fitness Hacks and Breaking Free from Fitness and Nutrition Obsession, and gave away my 5-5-5 fitness & nutrition hack guide. And my website has been going nuts. These articles and topics clearly hit home with a lot of people: I see you! I hear you!…
Some of you know I recently was accepted into an 11 month business mentorship for 2017! Heck yes, right?! I’ll be working closely under the tutelage of an awesome, strong, successful woman – Jill Coleman. She’s somewhat of an online fitness guru, is a former figure competitor and fitness model, who has a ‘no room…
There are a few key items that are important to focus on when navigating your nutrition. Some of these items I’ve mentioned before and will mention again because they are important to consistently come back to and practice. What to do and how to do it: Take action: eliminate the anxiety experienced from inaction. Empower…
I’ve been writing to my subscribers about prioritization and getting shit done this week. It’s such a juicy topic that I know many people struggle with. If you didn’t get my email about it this week, make sure not to miss the next one and sign up here —-> http://bit.ly/2m0L9Jm <—- Are there things you’ve…
In the book Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris, Ferris interviews successful CEO’s, authors, speakers, and more. The book is a compilation of all the tools the titans have used throughout their life to rise to titan status by overcoming hardships and set backs. One of the questions Ferris asks almost all of the interviewees…
Made some crab cakes. This was a test of patience. 4 Hour Chef- You are testing me! But shoot, I’ll take some lessons in life and in the kitchen, more so if it means I’ll have BOMB food to eat as a result. Make these. Also, They taste incredible, so share, impress your friends 🙂…
To impress your friends while feeding your belly some seriously good chicken…Read Below. Shorthand Preheat 450F Coat 2 LBS of chopped Chicken Breast in Garlic Aioli,** 1 egg yolk, 1T sesame oil, 1/2 t salt and pepper. (imagine 1 inch pieces of chicken/finger food kinda munching size) Roll your garlic aioli covered chicken breastssss all around…
Intermittent Fasting Here is a link to pretty much all you need to know about Intermittent Fasting (IF). Want to have increased mental clarity? Want to increase your chances of living a longer, healthier life? DO you want to be more energized, without having to use stimulants to keep you ‘up?’ Do you want to…
Intermittent fasting.
Click on the image to check out an AWEsome, daily, SIMPLE, yoga sequence. Every morning I use yoga sequences to ground myself and set the tone for my day. This ensures me to carry a good heart, mind, and soul throughout my day, and throughout all my interactions. Get your warrior, downward dog, and camel…