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Crisp-Baked Sesame-COCONUT Chicken

To impress your friends while feeding your belly some seriously good chicken…Read Below.

Preheat 450F

Coat 2 LBS of chopped Chicken Breast in Garlic Aioli,** 1 egg yolk, 1T sesame oil, 1/2 t salt and pepper. (imagine 1 inch pieces of chicken/finger food kinda munching size)

Roll your garlic aioli covered chicken breastssss all around 6T sesame seeds 

Then roll your chicken over 4t coconut flakes***

Bake on a wax covered cookie sheet in the middle of your oven for about 20-22 minutes, or until the coconut starts to look crisp- I am ALL about crispy coconut covered chicken, so I started watching the oven around 21 minutes.

Let them cool for about 2 minutes before taking them off the cookie sheet so all the coconut and sauce gets stuck on dat shit nice and good. If you’re like me, you’ll also use a spatula to scrap ALL the toasted cocoNUTS off the cookie sheet and pour it on top of the chicken.

This shit is seriously delish. If you want a dish that is pretty quick to put together (prep time about 10 minutes) then this is it.

Not to mention, you tell your friends/guests/boyfriend/girlfriend/friend you want to invite over because you want to sleep with that person, make this dish and watch how they look at you differently. In a good way. Like DAYUM, this shit came out of YOUR kitchen/oven?!

Just like that, you’re starting to cook like a BOSS

**(I picked this up from Trader Joes, well worth it time wise over making your own and it’s fucking delicious, and you’ll have left overs to dip the chicken in, and pretty much anything else in your kitchen that you want to cover in garlic badassness)

***I couldn’t find coconut flakes at TJ’s so I bought shredded coconut and just rolled the chicken around in that before placing it on my wax paper covered cookie sheet.


I AM STILL baking/eating/devouring the Pistachio Rosemary cookies I blogged about a few posts ago.

So if you HAVE NOT tried them out, seriously what is stopping you?

Do you like cookies?

Do you like cookies that make you want to take off all your clothes, lay blissfully naked on your kitchen floor while eating all 45 the recipe produces and drinking all the almond milk straight out of the container?

Well then, go bake some damn cookies.

And while you’re at it, think about how AWESOME you are!

Ya, that’s right, you’re AWESOME

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