• Discover Your Strength.

get your FLOW ON

Click on the image to check out an AWEsome, daily, SIMPLE, yoga sequence. Every morning I use yoga sequences to ground myself and set the tone for my day. This ensures me to carry a good heart, mind, and soul throughout my day, and throughout all my interactions. Get your warrior, downward dog, and camel…


Blackberry Lavender Scones

As I type, I’m bubbling with excitement over the delicious scones that bake in the other room. The unmistakable scent of lavender wafting through the house. I’ve been on a cut, or “diet” for several weeks. I hate the word diet. Why? Because of the feelings almost everyone feels when they hear the work, including…


Live Like You Want

“…Like it or not, we live like we fish and we fish like we live…” Who you are on and off the water is who you are in “real” life. You can’t be a stressed out- over worked spaz in “real” life and expect to be any different once you hit the water. And vice…


Training Day. Stone & Barbell weightlifting

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiME66iIdAI Really great training day at Stone and Barbell Saturday. Throwing weights around with some of your friends is such a great experience. Blessed. The guys threw down some serious weight and I had a nice little milestone of a lifetime PR clean & jerk at 58 kilos. Such a great group in there this morning, really…



Bless you, wondrous body of mine. By being more aware of what a PERFECT creation you are, I will avoid mistreating you. I like to start my day off with AWEsomeness. That means I do positive affirmations that resonate with me and help focus my thoughts on empowering aspects of my life. I use the…


Return to the platform

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlwCChPjOhQ After taking several days to rest my body, restore my mind, and rejuvenate (ahem, re-hydrate after Fourth of July holiday festivities) I returned to the platform today. It’s hot in the gym. Literally. No a/c. Lifts felt great today. GREAT THINKING=GREAT LIFTING. Workout: Snatch warmups glut & glut med warmups Pwr Snatch + OHS…