I woke, planted some positive seeds, and watered the ones flowering from all the days which have come before. I flowed into my deeper space, my pure state. As I raised my hands above my head, lowering them and stopping at the mind’s eye, gently reminding myself to have kind thoughts towards myself and others, my…
Want to be supremely Happy? 27 effective habits of insanely happy people Humans are creatures of habit. This can be great for developing ourselves, but it can also led to us routinely doing things without thinking, without being mindful. Insanely happy people, and insanely present people practice and devote their daily lives to establishing healthy…
Bless you, wondrous body of mine. By being more aware of what a PERFECT creation you are, I will avoid mistreating you. I like to start my day off with AWEsomeness. That means I do positive affirmations that resonate with me and help focus my thoughts on empowering aspects of my life. I use the…