• Discover Your Strength.

Training Day. Stone & Barbell weightlifting

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiME66iIdAI Really great training day at Stone and Barbell Saturday. Throwing weights around with some of your friends is such a great experience. Blessed. The guys threw down some serious weight and I had a nice little milestone of a lifetime PR clean & jerk at 58 kilos. Such a great group in there this morning, really…


Return to the platform

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlwCChPjOhQ After taking several days to rest my body, restore my mind, and rejuvenate (ahem, re-hydrate after Fourth of July holiday festivities) I returned to the platform today. It’s hot in the gym. Literally. No a/c. Lifts felt great today. GREAT THINKING=GREAT LIFTING. Workout: Snatch warmups glut & glut med warmups Pwr Snatch + OHS…