Back on the platform after nearly a month of winter sickness which turned into a necessary break from olympic training. Training breaks can have their psychological perks as well as restorative physical benefits, but it also comes with a decrease in physical strength and fitness. I maintained a regular bodybuilding/HIIT training program for the month… 3 weeks of personal ups and downs translated to three weeks of hitting my body against an unforgiving bar. Clouds break and the sun peaks through lifting the burdens which had been placed on my body. With the lightness in my soul came quickness in my body. Had I known that 45kgs was 99… Really great training day at Stone and Barbell Saturday. Throwing weights around with some of your friends is such a great experience. Blessed. The guys threw down some serious weight and I had a nice little milestone of a lifetime PR clean & jerk at 58 kilos. Such a great group in there this morning, really… After taking several days to rest my body, restore my mind, and rejuvenate (ahem, re-hydrate after Fourth of July holiday festivities) I returned to the platform today. It’s hot in the gym. Literally. No a/c. Lifts felt great today. GREAT THINKING=GREAT LIFTING. Workout: Snatch warmups glut & glut med warmups Pwr Snatch + OHS…