• Discover Your Strength.

Harissa Crab cakes

Made some crab cakes. This was a test of patience. 4 Hour Chef- You are testing me! But shoot, I’ll take some lessons in life and in the kitchen, more so if it means I’ll have BOMB food to eat as a result. Make these. Also, They taste incredible, so share, impress your friends 🙂…


8 Time Friendly Strategies For Keeping Your Healthy Eating On Track

Summer and fall are the season’s in which most people find themselves struggling to find balance with their healthy eating habits, exercise routines and managing their weight. It’s hard: summer BBQ’s and refreshing cocktails followed by countless evening options for entertainment that seemingly always get in the way with your gym time. Then there’s the…


Inflammation: What To Do About It – A FitPro Tells All

                                      A FitPro’s Take on Inflammation and What To Do About It                                                             Action Steps and Recipe Included! Inflammation. We hear that word all the time. Inflammation from foods we eat, and inflammation from injury or exercise. Chronic inflammation in the body, according to Dr. Gary Kaplan, the Founder and Doctor of the Kaplan…


The Best Chopped Kale Salad, Ever.

Get your motors running. This Chopped Kale Salad is the best salad to date. A while back, a trip to Mad Greens introduced me to the wonders of a well-made chopped kale salad. I asked the staff how they made this delicious salad every morning and he listed off a handful of simple, healthy ingredients but…


Blackberry Lavender Scones

As I type, I’m bubbling with excitement over the delicious scones that bake in the other room. The unmistakable scent of lavender wafting through the house. I’ve been on a cut, or “diet” for several weeks. I hate the word diet. Why? Because of the feelings almost everyone feels when they hear the work, including…